♡♡♡Top 40 on iPAd on the first day: THANK YOU SO MUCH!♡♡♡
★★★The most complete and most trusted search engine for health issues!★★★
Looking for information on any medical subject?
Find the answer in a blink with Search Health by Dooblecare, your best way to quickly find any piece of information on health, reliable, complete and free from any commercialor industrial interest.
★★★Millions of trusted pages sorted out!★★★
Under the authority of our board of scientists composed of health professionals, we systematically qualify every given sources according to the very strict criteria of the Dooblecare label:
- commercial independence
- identification of the authors of the site
- scientific references to authenticate the given piece of information
- exhaustiveness of the information
- clarity of the layout and easy access to the documents
Dooblecare is a company completely independent from pharmaceutical industry and any other financial interest.
This application is also available in French if you switch the language settings of your iPhone or iPad.